Experience the ultimate dance gaming platform with over 1,000 tracks and exclusive features
Access over 1,000 tracks including exclusive songs and regular updates
Dance using any device with a web browser - no app download required
Enjoy guest mode, JD Helper Premium, and enhanced gameplay features
Play on any device - mobile, tablet, or desktop
Your progress and scores are saved across all devices
New songs and features added regularly
Follow these steps to start dancing
Join our Discord server to get support and stay updated
Download and install the controller app on your phone
Sign in to the controller using your Discord account
Open this website on your screen device and select your preferred interface version
Enter the room number in your controller
Test the mod with free songs from the Free Songs playlist
Purchase a subscription to unlock all songs
Activate your subscription in the 🥀-jdhelper channel using /redeemcode
Start dancing and have fun!
Connect with other dancers, get support, and stay updated
Join Discord Server